This painting has it all in my opinion. It invokes feeling of serenity, peace and harmonious oneness. The figure looks perfectly at peace, not quite with the viewer, but in a place of blissful content. She is holding sales symbolising the importance of balance in life; with her scales almost perfectly balanced she has found that equilibrium. The woman's clothes cast up comparisons with the Virgin Mary and the light from the window conjures up spiritual imagery with its soft, yet deliberate presence. The point where the woman is holding the scales seems to be the exact centre point of the painting, again giving the viewer an expression of balance and togetherness; at one with her surrounds and content in her being.
Do any of my fellow bloggers have an opinion on this highly evocative painting?
It's peaceful. And for some reason speaks of unheralded accomplishments to me. ~Mary
ps glad to find your blog, going to look at some of your "philosophy." ~Mary
Glad you like it. Why not become a follower?
I am going to check your blog out now.
Leontia Haldenby said:
yeah i love vermeer, all his stuff is amazing, i know someone who can do really good copies of his work he is obsessed with vermeer, my favorite tho is the girl with the pearl earing.....his maid who he has the affair with....
to me looks like she is pregnant, and that her childs life is in the balance
Fair point Dave. It's a wonderfully emotive painting.
it is it reminds of michelangeloes pieta which is amazing
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